Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Difference of International Feeling

I'm creating a blog.

This is going to be a repository for all those obsessions of mine that I think everyone should know about but which I have no intention of foisting upon them. You read this by your own choosing, and I don't have to see your, or anyone's, eyes glaze over if it all becomes too much.

Right. To begin, cuteness, of the animal variety:

Actually, as cuteness goes, it's fairly standard. To see something a little more rarified, you should look at Yuebing (formerly Oolong) the Bunny's website. Yuebing is a bunny from Hokkaido, Japan, whose owner likes to take photos of his bunny with things balanced on his (her?) head. I would like to offer you a little quote from the bunnies' owner: "Oolong is so calm and patient -- he never gets angry when I take pictures of him. When I put various objects on his head, he stays still for a minute.This is just a result of an intimate relationship between me and Oolong.The main theme of my site is not to show these 'headperformance' links, and it's not my hope to propagandize nothing but the strangeness of his headperformance over the world. Oolong's headperformance-- many foreigners seem to feel it 'crazy', but Japanese people feel it just cute and funny.It is the difference of international feeling."
Unfortunately, the site is mostly in Japanese and thus a little tough to navigate, so I'll supply you with this multimedia rabbit haiku:

I could have called this website "Headperformance," easily.

Thanks to for the links.


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