Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It's Got a Wes Anderson Feel

Oh my god. Have you seen the Citibank ads that appeared in recent issues of the New Yorker? I'm looking at them, and I'm looking at them, and I'm thinking, there's something quirky here. There's something weirdly off-beat about these ads, something weirdly un-bank-ad-like. But also something oddly... familiar. Two men on an airplane, one an older, squinty (or do I mean flinty?), smug Gene Hackman type sitting in his seat, reading War & Peace, and the other a geeky Napoleon Dynamite type, minus the puffy hair, standing in the aisle beside him, looking hard-done-by, holding up a handwritten sign. What a mismatched pair! So... quirky! They remind me of... they remind me of... oh my god, it's a Rushmore ripoff! Suddenly I wanted to punch a bunch of ad men in the teeth! I could just see them selling the job to the Citibank fat cats, repeating over and over again, "It's got a Wes Anderson feel." "It's got a Wes Anderson feel." You fucking no-talent sneaky unoriginal ripoff artists! Stealing a true original's aesthetic to peddle your steenkeeng alpha corp's bullshit bank loans! Special circle of hell for you! Crackle crackle, crispy crispy [sound of ad men burning].


Blogger Jesse said...

You are partly correct - the Citibank campaign is the work of Jared Hess, who has been making a living sucking the blood of Wes Anderson for some time now (Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho Libre)

7:31 p.m.  

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